Midweek Lent

1117 of 17 items

Take Him Away!

Julia was 13 when her heart stopped beating in a junior high classroom. She’d had a heart condition since birth, and it had worsened. After restarting her heart with an AED, paramedics rushed Julia to the hospital, where doctors determined the only way to sustain her life was through a heart transplant. Julia waited in […]

I Am He

Have you ever thought about how often, during his earthly ministry, Jesus didn’t come right out and say who he was? I mean, for example, you think about the conversation that Jesus had with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. Jesus doesn’t open the conversation with, “You know who I am, don’t you?” No, he […]

Love One Another

What Jesus wants is not complicated. What Jesus wants is short and simple. “This is my will, my one command, that love should dwell in each in all.” In fact it’s so simple that we can express it in three words of truth. All our Wednesday night Lenten service will focus on Three Words of […]